
Mark Johanson is an American journalist based in Santiago, Chile, since 2014. Before that, he lived in Australia, New Zealand and the Virgin Islands. His stories about travel, adventure, food, design and sustainability have appeared in numerous magazines (Travel + Leisure, Men’s Journal, Condé Nast Traveler, Dwell, Newsweek), newspapers (The Guardian, Sunday Times, Chicago Tribune), digital publications (Punch, Narratively), inflights (Hemispheres, American Way) and global news outlets (National Geographic, Bloomberg, CNN, BBC). He has also penned a dozen Lonely Planet travel guides and hardcovers, worked as a presenter for Lonely Planet’s video channel, served as a travel expert for NPR and been featured as an authority on travel writing in books such as Travel Writing 2.0.

Renown author Rolf Potts interviewed Mark about his life and work. You can read the transcript here.

Mark is currently out on the road experiencing/enduring the wild world of freelance journalism. Drop him a line and say hi. Unlike this possibly rabid monkey he encountered in Bali, he does not bite.

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